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The ANNA CHERI FOUNDATION exists to help FUND ADOPTIONS for families who are in the adoption process and to INSPIRE people to orphan care around the world.

This foundation was formed out of a heart felt desire to live out James 1:27 -  “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world." Psalm 82:3 "Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed."

DONATE Apply for Adoption Scholarship Share your Adoption Story


Our primary goal is to bring awareness to the global orphan crisis in order to inspire as many people as possible, to raise as much money as possible, to help as many families as possible to adopt as many children as possible.

Bring awareness to the orphan crisis:

  • sharing vital and real statistics from around the world;

  • sharing uplifting and real adoption stories.

Raise money in order to provide scholarships to families looking to adopt:

  • Raising $10M could help 1,000 U.S. families adopt children from the U.S. and around the world.

Inspiring people to consider adoption OR volunteer and/or give so that families can adopt children without families.

Assist families in the process:

  • provide guidance during the application process:

  • provide support during the transition process of bringing a new child home.


The Butlers - Founders

Sharing our journey of adoption…..

Assisting you with your journey of adoption.


Foundation History

For three and a half years, we walked the beautiful journey of adoption with God our Father by our side, as well as many family members, friends, and our community. God faithfully guided us through the process and spoke to our hearts. We learned so much along the way, and are still learning today, 2 years after bringing our daughter home. You can see our homecoming video here.

During our amazing journey, God gave us a tremendous desire to help others by bringing a greater awareness to the need for orphan care and the adoption process. We have found that many families want to adopt, but do not feel they can because of the high financial costs. We have also met other families eager to help children in the adoption process through prayer, giving, and other types of support.

In response to this calling, in 2017, we formed a 501(c)3 non-profit charity called the Anna Cheri Foundation, in honor of the story God wrote, and is continuing to write in our lives. Each year, we will be working to give scholarships to families who have been called to adopt. In addition to awarding grants, we will share adoption stories as a way to inspire others who may be considering adoption, or looking for ways to help children have a forever family.


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